Care & Prayer

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

We understand that there are difficult seasons in life, and we want to support you in whatever ways we can. Whether it’s counseling, prayer, hospital visits, or helping plan a funeral, we’re here to walk alongside you.

The reality is that sometimes life is hard.

Our Care Team is here to provide you with support and care during any season in your life. The Bible teaches that an important part of being the Church is to take care of one another.

  • Community Resources

    We have created a list of community resources and organizations as a starting point.

  • Funerals

    With the greatest amount of respect and care, our trusted staff are here to help you with funeral preparations, so you and your family can focus on recovery and healing.

  • GriefShare

    GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

    We offer GriefShare twice a year.

  • Hospital Visits

    If you or a loved one are, or will be, hospitalized in the Cedar Rapids area, our Hospital Visitation Team is available to offer prayer, encouragement, and support.

  • One-On-One Meeting

    Sometimes you just need to sit and chat. We will support you with prayer, personal connections, or pastoral help.

  • Weddings & Marriage

    It is our prayer that your wedding day will be a blessed event for the two of you and for your families who share the joy of this day.

Hospital Visits

Our Care Team has a daily rotation schedule to visit those in the hospital.
Please contact to request a visit or call the church office.

When you are admitted at the hospital, you should write “FaithLife Church” under "religious preference and church name." We call each hospital each morning to find out if any of partners are in the hospital. This will help the local hospital search by name of the church and inform us of your stay and room number.

I Have a Prayer Request

“Our Care Team is here FOR YOU! Our team consists of members of our congregation who are trained to provide one-on-one care to people experiencing difficulties in life. We are trained to listen, care, encourage, pray, and walk alongside you during overwhelming times. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us.”
- Alice Murray, Pastor of Care & Hospitality