
We love our Haitian friends at UCI-Haiti. Learn how to get involved!

  • FaithLife Trips to Haiti

    A typical day at UCI will include morning devotions at breakfast and then either ESL at the school or maybe help with a cement floor at the home of a local family. Other days we might travel to another church to do a Days for Girls Distribution and/or a VBS. We will also do prayer walks with food distributions. Other past activities were goat distributions and school field trips. Whatever we do, we have the best translators who quickly become our friends. In the evenings we are treated by the Men’s Choir or the testimony from a former witch doctor.

  • Child Sponsorships

    For $180/year you can help a child get a good education at a Christian school, a daily meal, and a school uniform.

  • University Scholarships

    Education is the key to alleviating poverty. Helping provide scholarships for students attending the University at UCI will change not only their lives, but also the future of Haiti!

United Christians International began in February 2005 with JeanJean and Kristie Mompremier's God-given desire to share JeanJean’s seminary training with the lay pastors of the area near Caiman (JeanJean’s hometown). From these small beginnings, the Gospel turned a small village that predominantly practiced vodou into a community that works together.  Evangelism, discipleship, and training remain the focus of all UCI’s ministries.  By God’s grace, the people of UCI have been instrumental in providing hope and livelihood to those in this region who are lost in vodou and suffering from poverty.