Cultivate & Anthem

We will talk about real life things and how our faith relates in large group and small groups. God and the Bible are right here, right now things! We want to equip students to incorporate their faith into each day.



We have figured out that 5th and 6th grade is a pivotal age to talk about Bible basics. Who is God? What is faith? What does this mean for ME? Students have questions and we want to help empower them in their walk with Jesus, and CULTIVATE what being a follower of Jesus means.

  • Cultivate: "To prepare, acquire, and develop"

    Our biggest goal for our 5th and 6th graders is that they begin to develop a firm foundation through the Bible basics and what it actually means to be a Christian. Life will inevitably get hard as we grow older, and our hope is that we will be able to grow in our understanding of who God is and how we can fight through when the going gets tough. What tools do we need to do that? That's where the Bible basics come in! 


    Hype Team made its debut in Spring of 2021! We asked, "How can we get kiddos more engaged in worship?" AND "How can I show kids a new way to worship?"


    With this new ministry, students can now see that we can worship God with our entire bodies. Jesus invites us to a party when come into relationship with Him! Hype Team is for all middle school grades and meets to learn choreography & lead the room in actions from the stage on Wednesday evenings. Its a great leadership opportunity and we'd love to invite more friends to the fun! EMAIL BAILEY if interested.

  • Calling all 5th graders! Communion is something we get to celebrate together as a church! We have the opportunity to remember Christ's sacrifice for us through the body and blood (bread & wine).

    We want to invite 5th grade students to a class to learn what Communion is all about, and then together we will take part in the sacrament during a Sunday morning worship service. 

    First Communion training will be November 7, 2024. First Communion Sunday will be November 17, 2024.

ANTHEM: "A rousing or uplifting song for a particular group" 

Growing closer to their high school years, things can get really hard for students. Our goal is that together, we can discover the ANTHEM of our lives. What is this? Well, we want to come together as believers to encourage & love one another. What's our purpose? How can we run on mission? How can we be a life-speaker and a world-changer? This is really when we will connect faith and life! 


This age group (7th and 8th grade) is at the age where they are beginning to declare their faith as their own. They are discovering why they believe what they believe after learning those Bible basics from previous middle school years. We're proclaiming our "anthem" so to speak! Let's learn how to defend our anthem.

Confirmation Program

Lutheran confirmation is intended to support faith formation,
as students connect their faith and life.

In 2023, we launched a new voluntary confirmation program for 8th graders and their families. This program holds students accountable and ensures they're making the choice to get confirmed for themselves. Confirmation isn't just a box to check.

Questions About
Cultivate or Anthem?